Residence /Tour > Ingelheim Rooms

Main information:

Würzburg Residence


Picture: Hall of the Ingelheim Rooms
Picture: Blue Antechamber
Picture: Yellow Audience Room

Ingelheim Rooms (Rooms 31-38)

While the Ingelheim Rooms were named after Prince-Bishop Anselm Franz von Ingelheim, who lived here from 1746 to 1749, the present decoration and furnishing originates from 1776-1778, when Adam Friedrich von Seinsheim was prince-bishop.

As the original work of the court stucco-worker Materno Bossi – together with the court sculptor Peter Wagner (furniture) – they form the stylistic high-point of the Seinsheim era.

The Ingelheim Rooms, reconstructed after war damage, are one of the most important works of early neoclassicism in Germany.

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